Inclusion for People with Disabilities
My friend Lisa and I co-authored an inspiring and informative book about our lives with Cerebral Palsy.
I created a series of courses from how to find a job, to hiring and working with a personal care assistant.
Through my speaking engagements, I drive disability awareness and inspire others to do the same.
Our Mission
Understanding is the first step to inclusion for people with disabilities. Our mission is to help those with disability live fuller lives by educating them, their parents, their community, and employers on what it means to live, or raise a child, with a disability. Chris Lenart, Founder of Disability Awareness, speaks to students, youth groups, faith-based institutions and the workplace to promote disability awareness. He co-authored the book, “They Said We Couldn’t,” about living with Cerebral Palsy.
About Me
My name is Chris Lenart, and I have Cerebral Palsy. When I was growing up, I felt like I had no one (outside of my wonderful parents) who could guide me through my struggles. I want to change that for the next generation. I started this website in 2015 to help people with disability — especially Cerebral Palsy — improve their quality of life and inspire them to reach their goals. The site has grown since then to include information of interest to parents, the community, caregivers and employers, among others. My life story was recently featured on Triumph, a show on the Catholic entertainment network Shalom World. I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out.
After I graduated, I received a full-time position as an Associate Business Analyst. While I was working, I received my master’s in Software Engineering from DePaul University in 2008. I was a Senior Business Analyst for HSBC, where I had worked for 14 years, when I was let go in 2009. While I was working, I started a diversity group for employees who had a disability. It gave me great pleasure to talk about my Cerebral Palsy and how it didn’t stop me from having a full life. The enthusiasm to talk about my life grew into something that I love to do every day.
Today, I am an author and public speaker who talks about my life with Cerebral Palsy. By sharing my story, I want to be an asset to society. My testimony is always from the heart. I would love to speak to your group or organization, telling my story of fighting for inclusion, overcoming my disability and raising awareness of the disabled in the community and workplace. People tell me they find my talks moving and inspiring — especially now, when there is so much divisiveness in our world. You can find out more about my talks and view testimonials at Chris Speaks. I am also happy to consult privately to organizations or individuals seeking to enhance accessibility and inclusion for people with disability.
Contact Us
How Disability Awareness Got Started
Disability Awareness was started in 2015 after I co-wrote a book about life with Cerebral Palsy. After the final draft of it was completed, I felt that I had more to say, so I started a YouTube channel talking about disability issues and began speaking to audiences to raise awareness about life with a disability and inspire others to reach their own goals. So, what have I done with my life? The short answer is, a lot!