How to Get a Job with a Disability
Don’t you feel like you don’t have enough money each month with your SSI or SSDI? Do you want to buy something that you wanted for a long time? Maybe it is a new computer or a smartphone. You don’t want to ask for money because you want to be independent. Getting a job is your solution. You don’t know how to get a job – no problem. This course is for you. You will learn how to figure out what job you would like to have, how to create an awesome resume, how to apply online for jobs, how to win the job in the interview, and much more. You deserve a really rewarding job. It starts with this course and the future for you will be awesome.
My Journey Finding a Job
What Kind of Job
Making a Resume
Searching for the Right Job
Customized Employment Part 1
Customized Employment Part 2
Interview Process
The Thank You Letter
You Got a Job so What Now
Main Things to Remember
Wrap Up
It was very well done. I loved the one on customized employment. I do recommend that you not talk so much about one provider (Briggs) and instead, be more general and say there are providers in every state. You should market the course to VR in every state and to schools for use in their transition training.
The course was very engaging and you inserted a lot of humor. You gave good advice about whether to disclose your disability, and following up after the interview. I would recommend this to any high school student with a disability looking for a job, as well as those who are just starting out on their job search. The course was excellent and broken up into manageable pieces, time-wise. I appreciated that the closed captioning was built into the course.
I liked the fact that it was self-advocate to self-advocate. That’s pretty unusual. Most courses on this topic highlight experts without disabilities teaching self-advocates. You’re personal experiences were helpful and interesting. One thing that you might want to think about is focusing on a specific provider of customized employment services. This could be taken as an endorsement. Also, you might want to encourage the learner to check out some providers in their local area.
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